OpenGL API C++ Wrapper
glpp | The namespace that encloses everything of GLPP |
utils | |
limit_entry | |
bitflags | |
named_object | Base type for OpenGL objects |
blend_unit | Unit that control blending process |
buffer | A general object for unformatted linear memory allocated by the OpenGL context |
capabilities_unit | Unit to query OpenGL implementation capabilities |
context | Opengl Context |
noncopyable | C++11 implementation of noncopyable pattern |
depth_test_unit | Unit that controls depth buffer testing |
exception | Base exception class for all GLPP related exceptions |
gl_error | Exception that wraps an OpenGL error code |
object_not_found | Exception thrown when object cannot be located |
uniform_not_found | Exception thrown when uniform cannot be located |
compile_error | Exception thrown when compilation has failed |
link_error | Exception thrown when shader linking has failed |
no_active_context | Exception thrown when there is no active context |
face_cull_unit | Unit that controls face culling |
frame_buffer_attachment_point | Attachment point of a frame_buffer object |
frame_buffer | Object representing a framebuffer |
global_uniform | Active uniform variable of global scope |
logicop_unit | Unit that controls color logic operation |
program | Program that can be executed in the GPU pipeline |
render_buffer | Buffer that can be attached to a frame_buffer as an output target |
scissor_test_unit | Unit that controls scissor testing |
shader_compile_error | Exception thrown when shader compilation has failed |
shader | GPU Shader object |
stencil_test_unit | Unit that controls stencil testing |
texture | Object that represents an in-GPU texture |
texture_unit_t | |
uniform | Query object for active uniform variable |
uniform_block | Active uniform block of a program |
vertex_attrib_array | Attribute of a vertex array object |
vertex_array | Object to handle a vertex array object |